

aim high的相關標籤

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關於aim high的評價, 將軍 Steven

我是Steven將軍,今天冒著可能被PAGANI原廠列為車主黑名單的風險,來告訴大家一個全球第一篇Huayra的抱怨文~ 一個全球車評都不會或不敢寫的抱怨文~ 但因為我不是谷阿莫,所以只能用寫的(中英...

關於9m88 aim high的評價, 9m88

將眼神放鬆 才能看到更遠的地方 9m88專輯首波單曲〈Aim High〉 7/3 各大串流平台同步上架 By softening the gaze, you'll reach furth...

💯🔥📡 And we are LIVE! Thank you for waiting patiently with us. Go to WWW.YOYUU.CA to check out our new collection #Repost YOYUU LAB ・・・ ⁣. 6 iconic pieces�5 brand letters - YOYUU⁣⁣ 4 inspired words - 游刃有餘�3 brand promises⁣⁣ 2 years of nonstop preparation ⁣⁣ 1 solid mission��Our mission is to re-define everyday wear for the modern men. By merging the versatility of performance-enhancing fabrics with high-end sportswear construction, and re-purposing these textile innovations into timeless, classic aesthetics, we aim to equip every man with calmness and confidence.�⁣⁣ Begin a New Tradition with YOYUU starting today.⁣⁣ Capsule collection available for purchase NOW on YOYUU.CA⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ #yoyuumen #yoyuu #yoyuulab #beginanewtradition #officiallaunch⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ CREDITS: 形象導演 + 拍攝:江民仕 + 江平克 剪接 + 配樂:郭艾倫 造型:Tiffany Lo

💯🔥📡 And we are LIVE! Thank you for waiting patient...